Dog Ticks and Fleas Q&A

WebMD veterinary experts answer commonly asked questions about fleas and ticks on your dog. …More


Multi-Drug Resistance Gene (MDR1)

Multi-Drug Resistance Gene, (MDR) codes for a protein that is responsible for protecting the brain by transporting potentially harmful chemicals away from the brain. …More


Symptoms of Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Abnormal hips cause an abnormal gait so that dogs with hip dysplasia often “bunny hop” or use both back legs simultaneously to hop when they run. …More

What to Do if Your Dog Eats Chocolate

Your dog begs for handouts, hoping for a stray scrap to savor. But when it comes to sharing your favorite foods with your canine pal, there’s one snack you have to hold back: chocolate. …Suite

Ear Infections

Canine ear infections are most commonly caused by bacteria or yeast. Ear mites, excessive hair, moisture or wax, foreign bodies, allergies, and hypothyroidism can all be contributing factors in the development of an ear infection. …More