What to Do if Your Dog Eats Chocolate

Your dog begs for handouts, hoping for a stray scrap to savor. But when it comes to sharing your favorite foods with your canine pal, there’s one snack you have to hold back: chocolate.

The sweet treat can lead to illness and even death in dogs. Vets say it’s one of the most common causes of dogpoisoning.

If you think your pooch might’ve eaten chocolate — especially the darker kinds — call your vet right away. She’ll ask about your dog’s size, what kind of chocolate he ate, and how much. She might want you to make your dog vomit or simply watch his behavior, says vet Tina Wismer, DVM. She’s the medical director of the Animal Poison Control Center at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).

A chocolate chip cookie can cause problems for a little dog, and a bag of chocolate chips can spell trouble for a big one.


Source WebMD